Injunctions can be used to bring disputes to a head quickly and protect vital interests in real property. The court has placed the most commonly used forms on line as a resource.Please be advised that the forms detailed below are intended to be a guide. The present plaintiff has been in actual possession of the said lands for more than 12 years and has obtained a perfect title to the said lands. It is a peculiar case where in a partition suit the Trial Court had refused injunction but the Appellate Court had deciding the issue of prima facie case. The plaintiff in a suit for perpetual injunction under sec. 38, or mandatory injunction under section 39, may claim damages either in addition. The plaintiff is now seeking partition and possession of his rightful share of the remaining 6.48 hectares, as well as accounts and injunction. The suit of the plaintiffs is for the relief of partition of the suit schedule property, directing the defendants. The house resides in Vancouver, WA and is in Clark county.