Hearings on applications for temporary injunctions, temporary receiverships and the like shall be set in the Court to which the case has been assigned. This article defines preliminary injunction, details its elements and the hearing process, and includes a sample motion to download.This document contains the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure to- gether with forms, as amended to December 1, 2014. Attorneys – Are You Trying to Withdraw? Complete this Checklist Before Presenting Your Order. A full refund will be given in the original form of payment if merchandise is returned within 14 days of purchase with the original receipt and in the. The filing of a motion to withdraw as counsel along with a proposed Anders brief serves to vacate the previously established briefing schedule. How do I elect the form of merger consideration I wish to receive in the merger? Then out of the blue came the preliminary injunction from District Judge Royce Lamberth. To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit unauthorized private paramilitary activity, and for other purposes.