If a money judgment is requested at this time, you may remit a declaration under CCP 585(d) or ask to be calendared for a hearing. Declaratory statements are an agency's opinion as to the applicability of a statutory provision, or of any rule or order of the agency.After the disciplinary proceeding was initiated, BDE filed a complaint in Contra Costa Superior Court. Below is a listing of declaratory statements. This information is provided in the most accessible electronic format possible. The Agreement is not included in the Contra Costa Superior Court's public record. Court of Appeal, First District, Division 3, California. DIABLO VALLEY COLLEGE FACULTY SENATE, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. County of Contra Costa et al, No. 19cv03247 - Document 36 (N. List of recorded documents requiring a PCOR: ; All Deeds and Indentures Exceptions: Deeds to or from governmental entities, Trustee's Deeds Upon Sale, Easements.