Pro Se 1, Complaint for a Civil Case, Civil Pro Se Forms. Pro Se 2, Complaint and Request for Injunction, Civil Pro Se Forms.A permanent injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action that is issued as a final judgment in a case. In Illinois, individuals can petition the Court for three common protective orders: Order of Protection, Stalking No Contact Order and Civil No Contact Order. The first step in obtaining an injunction is to file suit in the county where the relief you need is to be sought. Successfully tried a preliminary injunction hearing in the Chancery Division of the Circuit Court of Cook County. However, there is no requirement that an injunction affect only the parties in the suit. i. 21. Agency to fill in the statutory gaps. If you fill out a form on a webpage, you will lose your progress. " The plaintiff must show not only that a suit for money would fail to give complete relief.