To seek a protective order, either the applicant or the abuser must live in Dallas County, or an incident of violence must have occurred in Dallas County. EFileTexas's self-help section contains an interactive interview that will help you create completed forms to apply for a protective order.How do I ask for a Protective Order? Fill out the following forms found in this kit: Do I use the Affidavit or Declaration form? DCDAO represents victims of family violence, dating violence, stalking and sexual assault who seek protective orders. We represent the accused against unlawful orders. What can a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) include? Will the judge sign a TRO in my case? You will generally file your application in the county where you or the abuser lives or in any county where the abuse took place. Restraining orders (called protective orders in Texas) help protect victims of abuse from their abusers.