Generally, prior to a hearing on a Motion for Temporary Injunction, mediation is required. The first step in obtaining an injunction is to file suit in the county where the relief you need is to be sought.Every order granting a temporary injunction shall include an order setting the cause for trial on the merits with respect to the ultimate relief sought. A TRO lasts for 14 days or until your temporary orders hearing, whichever is sooner. How to ask the court for a temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, and temporary orders during a child custody emergency. Every pleading, plea, motion, or application to the court for an order, whether in the form of a motion, plea, or other form of request, unless presented. Criminal. Standardized Felony Judgment Forms. Many forms in Texas are not available in a fillintheblank format. You can also use the citation number to pull it up. If you need more information than is available online, fill out the above form.