These forms are available at the civil clerk's office, and can be completed at the court or taken home to complete. Virginia is a free online program that helps a person complete the forms necessary to ask the court for a protective order.Circuit Court fillable forms allow you to enter information on a form while displayed in Adobe Acrobat and then print the completed form out. A petitioner files a request for a protective order against a respondent. This page is about how to ask for or respond to a cohabitant, dating violence or sexual violence protective order. You can go to the magistrate and file for an Emergency Protective Order if you feel like you're in danger. This brochure is intended to provide summary information regarding family abuse protective orders and protective orders covering other non-family abuse. This page is about how to ask for or respond to a cohabitant, dating violence or sexual violence protective order. Orders called I-CAN! Virginia. It is a free online program that helps individuals complete the forms necessary to ask the courts for protec- tive orders.