Motion for Modification of Injunction for Protection Against Domestic, Repeat, Dating or Sexual Violence, or Stalking. Form Number 12.980(j).Form Number 12.941(a). COMES NOW the Petitioner and moves this court to enter a temporary injunction, without notice, and shows unto the court as follows: 1. Accompanying this motion, a UCCJEA form must be meticulously completed. You have the right to file a petition to ask the court to issue an injunction to protect you against violence. Help for non-lawyers to understand what form or template you need on a restraining order or injunction case in Florida. After completing this form, you should file the original with the clerk of the circuit court in the county where the injunction was entered and keep a copy for. Additional forms for filing within existing injunction cases may be obtained through the Florida Courts website. f. If a nonlawyer helps you fill out this form, that person must give you a copy of a Disclosure from Nonlawyer, Florida Family Law.