4. The ____ Petitioner ____ Respondent has filed a Motion for Temporary Order Permitting Relocation to {address of intended new residence} . Florida courts generally grant two types of emergency motions: exparte and regular emergency motions with notice to the other side.No, they are not the same. She can give you a Power of Attorney notarized giving you legal guardianship of child and permission to take her out of state. In the meantime, you may have difficulty providing for your children without financial assistance from your soontobe former spouse. Ex parte motions are filed with the court without notice to the other party. Adjusting paperwork with our extensive and intuitive PDF editor is simple. Make the steps below to fill out Florida temporary order online easily and quickly:. Also get her to mention that she is comfortable with you taking the child out of state until she can get herself together. Note: Any fees associated with the filing of forms are listed in the Fee Schedule on this website.