An injunction (sometimes referred to as a restraining order) is a court order that tells one person to stay away from and not contact another person. A Petition for Injunction can be filed with the Clerk's Office.In some counties, local agencies will assist with filling out the needed forms. A motion for a preliminary injunction: (1) must include "Preliminary Injunction" in the title but otherwise must comply with Local Rule 6.01(a) and (b) Petition for Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence. Form Number 12.980(a). This article defines preliminary injunction, details its elements and the hearing process, and includes a sample motion to download. To get an injunction, you must file your petition for an injunction for protection against domestic violence with the clerk of the circuit court. There is no fee to file for an injunction.2. You will also find links to online forms at our FL Download Court Forms page.