If have any questions or need assistance completing this form, a court clerk or family law intake staff can help you. Danger of becoming a victim of domestic violence, you can use this form to ask the court for a protective order prohibiting domestic violence.There is no fee required to file a Petition for Injunction for Protection for Domestic Violence, Repeat Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Violence or Stalking. This guide provides basic information about how to get a restraining order in Florida. You'll learn how to petition for an injunction for protection. You should complete this form (giving as much detail as possible) and sign it. You must file this form electronically pursuant to Florida Rule of General Practice and Judicial. Collect any physical evidence pertaining to the incidents or events referenced in the petition, such as clothing, photographs, films, and items. If you make a court clerk application for TPO, it possible the order to be served to the respondent the same day or next day. There are PI's out there that deliver restraining orders in person.