(the "FTC") Complaint for Preliminary and Permanent Injunction and Damages seeking injunctive relief against and damages from Defendants Tyler Franklin. Little Tots serves an underserved community of workingclass families, making the granting of injunctive relief in the public interest.2 Here, the United States seeks only the injunctive relief requested in the complaint. Accordingly, before the Court can grant injunctive relief, Plaintiffs must satisfy all three (3) requirements of the Maupin standard. DEFAULT JUDGMENT OF. P.O. Box 7238, Ben Franklin Station. An Offer of Judgment must offer complete relief if it has any hope of mooting the plaintiff's claims. ) DECLARATORY JUDGMENT, v. Although rarely used, Rule 68 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure can offer a reprieve. The injunction is effective until there is a final judgment in the case. Permanent injunctive relief.