Basic Steps in an Extreme Risk Protection Order Case (ERPO). Extreme Risk Protection Order cases, also called ERPO for short, have the same basic steps.The petition that you file for an order of protection is called a "family offense petition. " Carefully fill out the petition. Find out more information regarding Civil, Temporary, Civil Stalking, Civil Sexually Oriented Offense, and Juvenile Protection Orders in Franklin County. Start here for information and guidance to help you choose and fill out the right court forms. Below are blank copies of the Sexual Violence orders. If you are in immediate danger, you may obtain a temporary order for Anti-harassment prior to your full hearing in two weeks. The cover sheet is a fillable PDF document capable of being filled out electronically through the Adobe Acrobat Reader. In order for the victim to obtain a TRO, they must first file what is known as a complaint for a restraining order.