We routinely represent parties seeking injunctions and temporary restraining orders in metro Atlanta, Decatur, and throughout Georgia. Your employer should file the petition in the superior court of the county where the respondent who committed the violence or threats lives.A checklist of practical steps for obtaining an interlocutory injunction and a temporary restraining order (TRO) in Georgia superior courts. It's called a preliminary injunction and, if you need one, a skillful Atlanta commercial contracts lawyer can help you obtain that sort of court order. There are three types of protective orders available in Georgia: family violence protective orders, stalking protective orders, and employer protective orders. Ask for a petition for a family violence protective order. The clerk will give you the forms that you need to file. When preliminary injunctions are issued, the nonmoving party must be notified and given a chance to respond. Consult the rules and caselaw that govern in the court where you are filing the pleading. Stalking Permanent Protective Order Pursuant to Criminal Conviction.