A temporary ex parte order is designed to protect you from the abuser until the court holds a hearing. You may need to present proof of relationship to the respondent and proof of violence, such as assault, stalking, or threats.This form is used to request a Family Violence Ex Parte Protective Order in Georgia. A Temporary Restraining Order or Temporary Protective Order can assist the victim they need to pursue a more permanent remedy like divorce or criminal charges. It's easy to get a temporary order. For a protection order, you simply need to state you fear for your safety. To secure a protective order, you must complete and file an initial petition with the Superior Court in the county in which the Defendant resides. A temporary protective order (TPO) is a court order to help protect you from someone who is abusing, threatening or harassing you. To obtain a temporary restraining order, you must show that you will suffer immediate irreparable harm unless the order is issued. Fill out and file the form to petition for a temporary protective order at the Superior Court of the county you reside in.