This page contains all of the Family Law court case forms that the Clerk's Office provides. Temporary Injunction: You must return to Clerk's Office and pick up copies of the court order to keep with you at all times.The Family Law Rules require that an order must be obtained from the judge upon a motion and hearing in advance before a child may testify. This video will cover how to complete a motion and affidavit for temporary orders. Look for forms with titles such as "Petition for Temporary Custody" or "Emergency Custody Order. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. A motion for temporary timesharing asks the family court to award you overnight timesharing with your minor children. As Attorney Rose has advised he should file a Motion for Temporary Relief and get a mediation scheduled. There are no current cases with custody in hillsborough. They are not the same.