Use these forms if you wish to dismiss the temporary injunction. COMES NOW the Petitioner and moves this court to enter a temporary injunction, without notice, and shows unto the court as follows: 1.An injunction can tell someone to stay away from the protected person's home, car, work, and any other places that the court feels is necessary. Step 1: Go to the courthouse and get the necessary forms. Step 2: Fill out the forms. If a final hearing is scheduled, the police will give the petition and any Temporary Order of Protection to the defendant in person. Temporary Orders are Usually Granted. To get an injunction, you must file your petition for an injunction for protection against domestic violence with the clerk of the circuit court. If the petitioner desires to have the restraining order dismissed, the petitioner must appear in the Clerk's office and complete certain paperwork. If have any questions or need assistance completing this form, a court clerk or family law intake staff can help you.