Applying to your graduate program is the first step to admission. Learn how to apply to top-ranked programs at The University of Houston Graduate School.The Declaratory process may take six (6) months to one (1) year to complete. The GN or GVN must immediately inform employers of receipt of notification of failing the examination and cease nursing practice. Enrolled in the UTHealth Houston Cizik School of Nursing, b.) Be in good academic standing (minimum of 2.0 for BSN students, minimum of 3.0 for Graduate. Why do you believe you will be successful in either a thesis or nonthesis degree graduate program? Baylor Law School offers seven "Special Distinctions. Why do you believe you will be successful in either a thesis or nonthesis degree graduate program? The record shows that, after completing his graduate degree, Yasar worked as a freelance "Data Warehouse Analyst" for. Harvard College and the University of North Carolina (UNC) are two of the oldest institutions of higher learning in the United States. Every.