Some of the most common motions and requests are Requests for Jury, Motions for Continuance; Motions to Amend Petitions; and Motions for Temporary Orders. Step 1: Fill out these forms: Motion for Temporary Orders.• Contact the Court Clerk to pass a submission hearing. Master your temporary orders hearing with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. Essential tips when preparing for a temporary orders hearing. Where there are no contested parent-child issues, the hearing is limited to 1.5 hours. (A) Motion to Recuse. A motion to recuse that does not comply with this rule may be denied without an oral hearing. The temporary hearing can be one of the most important hearings in a family law case – and sometimes it is the only hearing in a family law case. During the hearing the court will want to know on what basis (argument) does the non-custodial parent bring this motion.