A TRO is an emergency court order that orders a party not to take some particular action until a hearing can be held. You may need help completing them.This document provides detailed instructions on completing a temporary restraining order in Texas. A restraining order is defined as an official court document that orders the abuser to avoid contact with the victim or risk facing legal consequences. It's easy to get a temporary order. For a protection order, you simply need to state you fear for your safety. Our divorce lawyers in Houston can assist people in filing as well as fighting TROs. If you are considering filing for a restraining order in Houston, call (713) 533-8457 or fill out our online contact form to learn how we can help you! Read Rule 680 - Temporary Restraining Order, Tex. The Gonzalez Law Group is a family firm with years of experience defending people against charges, including those involving restraining orders.