To change child custody or placement in Illinois, you must file a motion to modify child custody. Under Illinois law, either parent can file for temporary custody in a child custody or divorce case.Either party in a protective order cases can file a Motion to Modify (change), or a Motion to Terminate (end) the protective order. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. All of these temporary motions create temporary orders. Temporary orders are TEMPORARY. To successfully modify a temporary order, a parent must show that the current arrangement is not in the best interests of the child. To learn more about this, check out our article: How to Change Parental Responsibilities and Child Custody in Illinois. With a motion for temporary custody, you must serve the other party and schedule a hearing. Your attached motion is all you need to file as it includes the Notice of Hearing.