A final order lasts for two or five years. This injunction shall be in full force and effect until ____ further order of the Court or ____ {date} .The final injunction is enforceable in 50 states. You may use this form if you have a valid Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against Domestic, Repeat,. Learn how to file restraining orders for domestic violence, including steps for temporary and final orders, child custody, and resources for victims. You should use this affidavit to state the essential facts which establish a violation of the Final Judgment of Injunction. A court can provide a petitioner a full stay away order mandating that the respondent (like a criminal defendant) can't have any contact with him or her. Victims of abuse can file injunctions for protection against their alleged abusers at no cost. Domestic Violence documents can be filled out for free. You can't stop the case if you decide you no longer want to continue.