This summary will BRIEFLY describe how to file an order to show cause with a temporary restraining order on an existing case. Fill out the Part 130 Certification (see.Exhibit D). Add the Affidavit in Support, Affidavit of Emergency, and Part 130 Certification as exhibits to the Order. If you feel that you need a temporary order to protect you right away, you should speak up and ask for one. This form can serve as a template when a lawyer is filing a motion for a temporary restraining order in federal court. To halt this conduct, the United States requests that this Court enter the proposed Temporary. Step 1: Fill out these forms. • Motion for Temporary Family Law Order or Immediate Restraining. If the judge does so, you will have a temporary order of protection until there is a trial or hearing. What to Expect When Filing or Responding to a Petition for an Order of Protection from Domestic Violence or Stalking.