This summary will BRIEFLY describe how to file an order to show cause with a temporary restraining order on an existing case. This summary will BRIEFLY describe how to file an order to show cause with a temporary restraining order on a new case.Motions to Quash Temporary Orders. A court can provide a petitioner a full stay away order mandating that the respondent (like a criminal defendant) can't have any contact with him or her. An ex parte motion is a motion made without notice, and it is only explicitly authorized in certain limited situations. Select "Emergency Motions" in the dropdown menu. Pick a date that is displayed as "available,". No. A Motion for Revision asks a judge to change the decision the commissioner made. You must also fill out items 1 and 2 on form CH109, Notice of Court. Hearing. And items 1, 2, and 3 on form CH- 110.