Declaration sought to determine the insurance issues and appropriate relief. In a straight complaint allegation case, for instance, there should be extremely limited discovery, beyond verification of the pleadings and the policy.Plaintiffs brought a declaratory judgment action claiming fee title to or easement over the land it occupies based upon a claim of adverse possession. Mortgage on Rosemarie's interest in the property. On September 20, 2017,. Indemnify before judgment in the underlying case. It also does not matter whether there are other claims in the complaint, of which the covered claim — here, the trademark claim — is only one small part. "Thus, we look at the underlying causes of action in the complaint to determine if any statute of limitations applies. His complaint asserted claims for breach of contract and bad faith denial of coverage, and he sought a declaratory judgment that. The policyholder (the owner of a bowling alley) brought a single count declaratory judgment complaint.