This guide is designed to help you fill out the forms yourself. It is not intended to provide legal advice nor strategy as to how to complete the case.Generally, to establish or change a child custody order, it requires a parent to file a Request for Order (RFO) with California Judicial Council Form FL-300. Today we're going to talk about how to file your FL 300 with the court clerk and how to serve your FL 300 after it has been filed. Once you have completed the forms, make copies of each form so that they can be served to the other parent. For example, you may want to ask the court to determine temporary custody, set up a parenting time schedule, or decide on child support. Example you ask the judge for a reasonable request in the motion. GovDelivery Subscribe Sign up to receive updates. Blanks on the pages marked "(1a – PETITION)", "(1b – VERIFICATION"), and "(1c – ORDER)," but do not sign yet. Is there a statute that can be used to justify filing a motion to set aside the temporary order and to do it via ex-parte.