Forms for filing for an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment in an Arizona State Court. AZPOINT, the Arizona Protective Order Initiation and Notification Tool, has been designed to help you fill out a petition for an Order of Protection.Through the online portal, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. Go to Protective Order Center on the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Municipal Court. Through an interactive portal, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at any Arizona Court. Protective order forms are available in five languages and can be filed in any court in Arizona. Here is a link to the Maricopa County web page that explains orders of protection. AZPoint - Online Petition. Internships and volunteer positions are available in the Victim Services Division. AZPOINT An online tool to fill out orders of protection and injunctions against harassment.