The Clerk accepts the following forms of payment: cash, money order, wire transfer, credit cards, and debit cards (run as a credit card transaction). Go to Protective Order Center on the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Municipal Court.You cannot have a card and direct deposit. Permanent Injunction (Second Permanent Injunction) on July 26, 2016 (E. The court accepts cash, check, money order, and credit or debit card payments using MasterCard, VISA, Discover, American Express or Novus. Maricopa County law enforcement agencies recognize that domestic violence is a preventable crime and that the cycle of violence can be broken. Obtaining an order of protection or an injunction against harassment. This form is information just for the Court. Joseph Michael Arpaio is an American former law enforcement officer and politician. Click General Civil Lawsuits-Superior Court Start Now. 2.