Step 1: Complete the Motion for Temporary Order without Notice. ▫ Fill in the information requested about you at top, left, and the case caption.Through an interview in AZPOINT, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at an Arizona court. Forms for filing for an Order of Protection or Injunction Against Harassment in an Arizona State Court. Go to Protective Order Center on the 2nd floor of the Phoenix Municipal Court. Through an interactive portal, you can quickly and accurately fill out the forms that are needed to request an Order of Protection at any Arizona Court. This is where you need to outline the specific points that are in dispute in your case and that you believe the court needs to resolve. Information about orders of protection, injunctions against harassment and workplace harassment, and moving out of state with an order. Group similar issues together or present them in order of importance. Information about orders of protection, injunctions against harassment and workplace harassment, and moving out of state with an order.