Filing a motion for temporary orders in your case gives you a way to get a temporary custody order while you wait for your case to go through the court system. If you need the judge to make an order about something right away, you can file a motion for a temporary order.If you file a motion for temporary orders, you need to get a date from the court and notify the other parent of that date. The court may enter such temporary orders as it deems necessary to protect a plaintiff from abuse, including relief as provided in section three. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. To do this, you must file a motion for temporary orders and attend a temporary order hearing. 1. Fill out the forms. I filed a motion for temporary orders (child custody, parenting time and support) in Massachusetts. What gets accomplished? Here's a detailed breakdown of what this motion entails and how the process works in Massachusetts: What is a Motion for Temporary Orders?