If only one person wants to change a temporary order, file: A Motion for Temporary Orders (CJD 400) asking the judge to make a change. In order to change a prior judgment, a party must file a complaint for modification.The court may make temporary orders relative to the care, custody and maintenance of such children. Learn how you can change a judgement or order without a hearing, if both people in the case agree. If you need the judge to make an order about something right away, you can file a motion for a temporary order. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. To do this, you must file a motion for temporary orders and attend a temporary order hearing. If you need orders right away, you can file a motion for temporary orders. To file a motion, you can fill out a form available at the court or you may write or. If you need orders right away, you can file a motion for temporary orders.