It is a temporary order for a limited period of time, and may be granted even if your landlord is not in the court during your request for the order. Start here for information and guidance to help you choose and fill out the right court forms.Application for Restraining Order. The first step is to go to the courthouse to fill out an application (complaint) for a restraining order. A restraining order is a court order that provides protection from an abuser. A "Restraining Order" also known as as "209A Order" or an "Abuse Prevention Order" The Massachusetts court system most often approves two types of restraining orders: the 209A Abuse Prevention Order and the 258E Harassment Prevention Order. In Massachusetts, can a landlord find out about a restraining order if someone has a restraining orders on you? Copy the part of your 209A order you need the judge to change. The affidavit is your written statement about why you are afraid of the abusive person and need a restraining order.