Form 1- Motion for Temporary Emergency Custody. Form 2- Verification Form.STEP 1: Complete the "Motion for Temporary Order without Notice. Mecklenburg County SelfServe Center forms created for use in Mecklenburg County courts. STEP 3: Complete the "Motion for Temporary Orders Without Notice. To file for emergency child custody in North Carolina, file a complaint or motion with the court stating one of the grounds for an emergency temporary order. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. Customer: Have a question regarding a provision of an Order in Mecklenburg County, NC. JA: Was a protective order issued? Mecklenburg County and some other counties in North Carolina (not Union) allow a parent to file a Motion for a Temporary Parenting Arrangement. Notice of Hearing on Imcompetence OR Motion in the Cause, AND Order Appointing Guardian Ad Litem.