It is suggested that you view it for procedural information. This is done using a special motion called order to show cause.He filed a motion for modification. There are several steps to modifying a child support order. The first step is to file a Motion and Notice of Hearing for Modification of Child Support Order. Mecklenburg County is one of a handful of counties in the state that allows either parent to file a motion for a Temporary Parenting Arrangement. This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. Simmons) (error to dismiss mother's motion to modify a temporary order to provide for visitation when she had alleged that it would be in children's best. When you think it is an emergency that requires a temporary order, you can file an ex parte motion.