After the forms are filled out and notarized, you must make 2 COPIES (one for yourself, one for the other party and the original for the file). 4. You can bring an urgent motion without notice for a temporary order at any time during your court case.You can even bring one before you start a court case. If you are asking the judge for a motion, you must fill out several forms. Complete a Form 14 (Notice of Motion) and a Form 14A (Affidavit). Mecklenburg County SelfServe Center forms created for use in Mecklenburg County courts. STEP 1: Complete the "Motion for Temporary Modification Order without Notice. To file for emergency child custody in North Carolina, file a complaint or motion with the court stating one of the grounds for an emergency temporary order. This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. Mecklenburg County and some other counties in North Carolina (not Union) allow a parent to file a Motion for a Temporary Parenting Arrangement.