This form can be used to get a relief from judgment. Fill in Document 2 with the information given and complete the rest of the form.Make 2 copies of Document 2 (1 page). This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. Once an action has been commenced and a docket number assigned, a motion for a temporary injunction may be filed. An ex parte temporary protective order is a court order designed to provide you and your family members with immediate protection from the abuser. You will need to fill out form AOC-CV-520, which is a Complaint for No-Contact Order for Stalking or Nonconsensual Sexual Contact, located here. Step 1: Fill out required paper- work at the Magistrate's office. If the TRO or preliminary injunction is granted, what must Judges include in the Order? This article defines preliminary injunction, details its elements and the hearing process, and includes a sample motion to download.