Go to the courthouse and get the forms you need. This form can be used to get a relief from judgment.1. Go to the Courthouse and Obtain the Forms You Need. Go to the courthouse for your county and see the clerk of civil court or the magistrate. An ex parte temporary protective order is a court order designed to provide you and your family members with immediate protection from the abuser. You will need to fill out form AOC-CV-520, which is a Complaint for No-Contact Order for Stalking or Nonconsensual Sexual Contact, located here. This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. If you need to file for an order of protection outside of family court business hours, local town and city courts can issue temporary orders for family court. A restraining order that is designed specifically for victims of domestic violence to give them the protection they need from the abuser.