Address of the judgment creditor (and attorney's name, address, phone number and bar number). The enforcement of the foreign judgment is jurisdictional.The affidavit must be notarized. 8. You must file your completed paper work with the Clerk of the Circuit Court in the appropriate county. The following requirements apply to cases in the Civil Division of the County Court. Please complete the COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGMENT enclosed in this Packet and sign it in the presence of a Deputy Clerk or Notary Public. Declaratory judgment actions allow parties to a potential action to determine their rights and responsibilities before a lawsuit is filed. After completing this form, you should file the original with the Clerk of Court in the county where you filed your complaint and keep a copy for your records. Follow these instructions for completing the form: I. Case Style. The final judgment is the Judge's final decision in the case as recorded in the files kept in the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts office.