To correctly file a motion to request something from the Court, you must do the following: 1. Write in English and in blue or black ink. 2.SOFIA (State Of Florida Interactive Access) was created to allow you to electronically complete court documents using easy to follow interviews. This order can be obtained on the same day you file your petition without a hearing before the judge. The temporary injunction is valid for up to 15 days. You may file a Petition for Temporary Custody if: You have the signed, notarized consents of the children's legal parents;. Download or obtain forms: Get the required forms from the Florida State Courts website or your local courthouse. To open a divorce case at the same time as your parental responsibility case, complete the Petition for Dissolution With Dependent or Minor Child(ren). Family Law refers to case types such as adoption, divorce, name changes and paternity that are filed through the Clerk's Office. Dependent or Minor Child(ren), Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Form 12.947(a).