If you feel unsafe or are in danger, a temporary injunction, also known as a restraining order, may be issued until a judge can rule on your petition. If you are a victim of stalking, you can use this form to ask the court for a protective order prohibiting stalking.Motions, which are requests made to the Court to take action on a case, may be filed at any of the central or branch court locations. The form will ask you to give a detailed description of the facts and circumstances about the family violence and your reasons for seeking protection. USE Request for Order (form FL-300): –For a domestic violence restraining order, use forms DV-100, DV-109, and DV-110. This guide provides basic information about how to get a restraining order in Florida. You'll learn how to petition for an injunction for protection. This Temporary Injunctions Toolkit contains resources to help counsel draft and file a motion for a temporary injunction in a Florida circuit court. Motions to Compel and for Protective Order: All motions to compel compliance with discovery or for protective order from discovery shall comply with the. These courtordered restraining orders restrict a respondent's contact with a petitioner.