If you feel unsafe or are in danger, a temporary injunction, also known as a restraining order, may be issued until a judge can rule on your petition. An injunction can tell someone to stay away from the protected person's home, car, work, and any other places that the court feels is necessary.Need an Injunction for Protection? You can obtain an injunction for protection at any of the following locations: Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center. Under Florida law, it is a criminal offense to enter or remain on another's property when you do not have permission to do so. Our seasoned team of Miami domestic violence injunction lawyers is ready to help. Contact our Miami-Dade County restraining order lawyers today. We have a preliminary injunction that states we have a right to be on the entire real estate. And two of Raanan Katz's companies in MiamiDade circuit court for breach of lease and defamation. Liquidated Damages may also be collected for certain violations outlined in the master development agreement.