Order of Dismissal of Temporary Injunction for Protection Against Domestic Violence, Repeat Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, Stalking. 12.940(d) Motion to Modify or Dissolve Temporary Injunction.(not intended for use in DV cases) Download: PDF Download of 12.940(d) If you feel unsafe or are in danger, a temporary injunction, also known as a restraining order, may be issued until a judge can rule on your petition. If you would like to get your Temporary Injunction dismissed, you must tell the judge at the time of your hearing. In Florida, you must complete specific forms, such as 12.940(d), for modifying or dissolving a temporary injunction. The motion can be filed in all types of injunction cases including domestic violence, dating violence stalking, repeat violence, or elderly exploitation. In addition to modifications, respondents and petitioners can file a motion asking the court to dissolve an injunction entirely in Florida. Need an Injunction for Protection? You can obtain an injunction for protection at any of the following locations: Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center.