This act was passed to assert the authority of the British government to tax its subjects in North America after it repealed the much-hated Stamp Act. The purpose of the Declaratory Act of 1766 was to affirm that Great Britain had complete authority to tax its American colonies.In general the act is descryibed simply as a theoretical gesture or political tactic to ease the passage of the Stamp Act. Yet, on the same day, the Declaratory Act passed, setting firmly in place Parliament's legal authority and supremacy over the colonies. Franklin used his printing experience from his brother Peter to make propaganda to incite the American Revolution. In response to this pressure, the British Parliament repealed the Stamp Act in 1766. On March 18, 1766, George III approved Parliament's repeal of the Stamp Act and its passage of the Declaratory Act. The Declaratory Act of 1766. Stamp Act 1765 Declaratory Act 1766 Townshend Acts 1767 Writs of Assistance Tea from HISTORY 21003100 at Boyd H. Anderson High School.