Michigan Legal Help has tools to fill many kinds of forms but we do not cover all areas. You may have a blank form that you need to fill out on your own.The Township seeks a temporary restraining order (i) enjoining Defendants from operating their mining operation in violation of the. Form I-20 is complete, the student must pay the I-901 SEVIS fee and apply for and receive a vi- sa. An application for a TRO is usually brought as an ex parte motion. Then fill in the correct information for that item on the form. A Write your name, address, and telephone number in the "Petitioner" box. 4) if you and the person you want restrained have or had a dating relationship. Child Abuse when the respondent is an adult AND when the minor victim is not involved in a CHIPS action. Incurring charges or cash advances on any credit card issued in the name, singly or jointly, of any Defendant; or.