An ex parte order is a court order issued before the other party gets notice or an opportunity to respond. Common reasons for requesting temporary orders include: Child support; Alimony; Custody; Visitation; Disagreement over assets.Going through the process of getting an emergency order is called getting an ex parte order. Use this form if you want to get a proposed order regarding support, parenting time or custody signed without a hearing. What form is needed for an emergency change of custody in wayne county mi. Can I find that motion form on 3rdcc website? The Clerk's office located at Coleman A. Young Municipal Center is open for in-person filings for Family Domestic on Mondays and Thursdays ONLY. The Friend of the Court Scheduling Office is open for Friend of the Court motion scheduling ONLY. For example, the judge may not order a final property division. Ex parte motions are filed with the court without notice to the other party.