If you want to change an ex parte order, use the form called Objection to Ex Parte Order and Motion to Rescind or Modify . In most counties in Michigan, it is routine to file a motion to enter a temporary order.You may file a written objection to this order or a motion to modify or rescind this order. If mediation is unsuccessful, the FOC chooses another enforcement option, or either parent can file a motion to modify custody orders (more on modifying above). A party may file a motion for a change in the parenting-time order if the party can show proper cause or a change in circumstances . You can file a motion requesting a temporary order at any time. The objection form will be mailed to you in the same envelope as the Referee's Recommended or Temporary Order. If no agreement is possible, you may file a motion with the court for a change in the order . Also, emergency orders become temporary orders if the other parent doesn't object within 14 days of receiving notice. For example, if a marriage consists of a sole income earner, the non-earning spouse could petition for temporary spousal support once their divorce is filed.