If you want to change an ex parte order, use the form called Objection to Ex Parte Order and Motion to Rescind or Modify . The "OBJECTION TO EX PARTE ORDER AND MOTION TO RESCIND OR MODIFY" form must be mailed at least 9 daysbefore the hearing date.1. Fill out the forms. The motion for temporary orders does not have valid grounds in the law (in other words, the law does not permit the relief requested). 2. Individual restrained or enjoined may file a motion to modify or rescind the personal protection order and request a hearing under the Michigan court rules. You also may file a motion asking the court to modify the order to require that you be allowed to call, e-mail, or text your children. A Motion to Modify Child Custody (CAFC101) form is the pleading filed with the court to make changes in the best interest of your child. An ex parte order is an order that is entered without first hearing from all the parties. Otherwise, the court will change an order only after a party, or the FOC, files a motion and the court holds a hearing on the motion. A party may file a motion requesting a temporary order at any time.