This document explains who will be able to see the information you include in your forms, and what to do if your address or phone number changes. Information about orders for protection, harassment restraining orders, and moving in and out of state with an order for protection.Below are the most commonly used forms in the District Court of the District of Minnesota. For additional forms, please visit the forms library. An injunction is a permanent court order which prohibits contact between individuals and can involve removing someone from a home or apartment. You should contact an attorney because you should need one. This free program helps you create the forms to ask the court for an Order for Protection (OFP). This compendium was last updated in January 2013. All Minnesota employers must provide employees who perform services for at least 80 hours per year, up to 48 hours of ESST per year. If you cannot get an attorney, you can contact a victim advocacy agency to help you fill out the forms.