If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause. Petition for (Custody) (Visitation).- "Ex Parte" refers to motions, hearings, or orders granted on the request of, and for the benefit of, one party only. If you disagree with anything your spouse's Motion for Temporary Orders, you only have 14 days to file a response. Access information on filing for divorce, custody, visitation, and protection from abuse. 1: Fill out the Petition at the office of the District Court Commissioner in your county. How to fill out the Montgomery County Child Support Termination Motion? If your emergency petition is granted and you receive an emergency court order you must know that that court order is essentially temporary. So he filed for a de novo hearing and filed his SAPCR petition. I was without representation.