If you or the other side want to ask the court to do something in a case, you must ask in written court papers called a Motion or an Order to Show Cause. If you're the person who obtained the temporary order, you can contact the court and ask for it to be terminated before the expiration date.Use this form to ask the court to shield court records in a protective order case. Note when you are filing a new Divorce, Dissolution, Annulment, Legal Separation OR Answer, you MUST PRINT AND COMPLETE ALL FORMS LISTED. In the original proceeding, I was the Petitioner Respondent. 1. Use this form to ask the court to shield court records in a protective order case. Can the court issue mutual protective orders? Domestic Violence - A 6-Part Video Series (from the Maryland Courts). Form Number, Name, Revised. The cover sheet is a fillable PDF document capable of being filled out electronically through the Adobe Acrobat Reader.